Transformation Blog
2' Read: Organisation Beliefs system
Organisation Beliefs system modeling the ‘Care takers’- the Leaders
In previous 2' read ''Organisation Culture, why bother changing'' I wrote about Organisation Culture is the Living Belief system that directly drive the Results (Outcome) of companies.
I bet that some of you already have this question:
Who/What Can Influence (shape) the Living Belief system of organisation?
Remember an a-ha moment, when you realized that you just reacted in the way that one (or more) of your parents /care-takers react in similar situation?
Psychologist and father of cognitive theory Albert Bandura wrote: ''Fortunately, most human behavior is learned observationally through modeling: from observing others one forms an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and on later occasions this coded information serves as a guide for action."
So, From Whom does the organisation beliefs system Observe & Modeling from?
Remember 'Milgram’s Studies on Obedience to Authority' Research & experiment, or Stanford Prison study experiment ?
Through Milgram’s research we can see a provocative demonstration of how people who have power can control the behavior of others.
So whether organisation like it or Not ...
=> Who are Power (Authority) Figures in an Organisation?
For those of us who have (take-care of) kids, we know that the kids ''Monkey see Monkey Do''
=> It's not just what we said we do, It is WHAT WE BEHAVE that they imitate.
So now you know, why Great Leadership ''Lead by Example''
Upcoming 2' Read: 'Organisation Chart Reflects Challenges of Leadership, Teams, & Organisation.'