Transformation Blog
Closing Strategy Gap with Obeya, OKR & Agile
90% of organizations fail to execute their strategies successfully, according to The Balanced Scorecard, by David Norton and Robert Kaplan.
One of the most important areas that organisations often have to deal with is : The Strategy Gap
How much % your organisation execution aligned with strategy?
How does your organisation Manage the alignement between execution & strategy currently?
The combination of Lean/ Obeya, Agile & OKR can be worthy pivot to close the strategy gap.
In the last 7 years, I have the privilage of helping out diverse Agile transformations and building high performance teams/ organisation.
I have seen, built Obeya Kata combined with Scaling Agile rythme & application of OKR. Seeing & experimenting with this combination & in different context teach me how it can work well together.
Obeya is the brain where everything come together: strategy & status/management of execution,
OKR makes the Strategy Goals specific & customized to difference units/teams,
and Agile rythme & Obeya kata is heartbeat in the ''How'' of execution
This combination also solve the challenge of ''Connecting the Dots'' in practicing/learning/doing Scrum/Kanban / Scale scrum.
And like mastering any skills, there is growing/learning in process of experimenting this combination, so do expect to go through trial & pivot, inspection & adaptation, and allow time & space for your people & teams to learn.
How has your organisation been Closing the Strategy Gap?