Transformation Blog
2' Read: 'The organization is, above all, social. It is people'
In previous posts, I shared about Organization Culture, How great leader influence organization beliefs system, culture - hence organization results.
This all boiled down to what Peter Drucker once said 'The organization is, above all, social. It is people'.
So, When I Join/ Participate/ Contribute/ Consult/ Lead any organization transformation - whether it is Agile transformation, or Digitalisation, or Improving Performance, or Implementation of new HR/IT systems, or Data-driven organization , 3 first questions I have are:
Why would The People want to change?
What would we expect The People to change?
How is The people involve in the transformation process?
So often, organization transformations at scale are heavily focus on 'Technology, Changes Project gantt chart, Project milestones, Checking boxes', and completely forgot, or minor attention to The People & their change Process.
In these cases, I often challenge the change team/ management with :
''Suppose, if the change plan is approved:
Who suppose to changed afterward?
Who suppose to implement & deliver the changes?
Who suppose to sustain & carry the change forward? ''
So, to create long-term change, start Your Organization Change with People.
After all, Organization would Not be an Organization Without People.